Release the balloons! Strike up the band! Surface and Shadow gets its official launch at The Annapolis Bookstore on Friday, Sept. 9. Although,, and will offer Surface and Shadow for sale beginning Sept. 1, The Annapolis Bookstore gala marks its first official celebration.
And a double fete it will be. Not only will we be marking the arrival of Surface and Shadow, we’ll also be taking part in The Annapolis Bookstore’s Grand Opening Celebration at its new location at 53 Maryland Ave. Bookstore co-owner Mary Adams has plenty of good ideas for making this a special evening. There’ll be excerpts from the novel, time for questions, and good food and drink, including a few surprises from the novel.
Surface and Shadow is a daring tale of a woman’s struggle against the constrictions of time, place, and gender as she digs for truth—her own and history’s—despite numerous outside pressures.
If you are in the Annapolis area, please come join us at 7:00 p.m. It’s a great opportunity to share in the fun, check out the Annapolis Bookstore’s new location, and get your copy of Surface and Shadow. I’ll be there to greet you and sign your copy, if you like. Hope to see you there.
Surface and Shadow Official Launch
The Annapolis Bookstore’s new location.
7:00 p.m.
Friday, September 9, 2016
The Annapolis Bookstore
53 Maryland Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21401
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